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2016 Savory Hub Candidate Holistic Management Training

Written by Savory Institute Senior Program Director, Byron Shelton

Through sun, rain, and a foot of snow, Savory Institute’s (SI) 2016 Hub Candidates gathered in April for 8 days of training in Holistic Management. They met just north of Boulder, Colorado. Participants came from Australia, Pakistan, and the USA.

New Savory Hub Candidate Leaders and future Accredited Professionals completed training in the most updated Holistic Management content. Next month, they will travel to the Africa Centre for Holistic Management in Zimbabwe for training in how to design and develop a successful Hub and to experience the birthplace of Holistic Management.

Topics covered in the Holistic Management Content training included learning the Foundations of Holistic Management and all of the Holistic Management planning procedures. Participants learned to read the land, how to manage the ecosystem processes for intended results, how to make decisions that are simultaneously economically, environmentally, and socially sound. They learned how to complete financial plans, grazing plans, land (infrastructure) plans, and do land monitoring.

Upon completing the Savory Hub Candidate process over approximately a year, these Hubs will become accredited by SI and provide training and consulting in Holistic Management through Accredited Professional Educators and Accredited Field Professionals. The global network of Savory Hubs provide local networking and are a mainstay of local support for individuals and groups practicing Holistic Management in their various contexts.

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Savory Institute

The Savory Institute is on a mission to regenerate the grasslands of the world and the livelihoods of their inhabitants, through Holistic Management. Since 2009, Savory Institute has been leading the regenerative agriculture movement by equipping farmers, ranchers, and pastoralist communities to regenerate land within culturally-relevant and ecologically-appropriate contexts.
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