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Life returns

We have enjoyed having all the Savory Institute staff team from Boulder, Colorado here in Zimbabwe for a planning retreat, joined by the leaders of new hubs in our global network from Norway, Pakistan, Australia and the U.S. Amazing how in our rough bush camp home amongst the animals we saw little with guests chatting while sitting round our campfire – just too much strange noise. Now guests have gone and suddenly we are again having the birds join us for breakfast and bushbuck wander by. Yesterday we had a troop of baboons, some with tiny babies, who were joined by three bushbuck mingling with them ignoring us as we ate breakfast, then a herd of impala now in the middle of rutting.

Ten days ago I took my daughter, who is doing all she can to educate children on the importance of habitat if we are to truly save wildlife, to take pictures of the difference in wildlife habitat we are experiencing here.

As she said, truly amazing and exciting. On the left is the nearest national park (Zambezi NP) in the best condition it can be at the end of the rain season. On the right is this land and the difference is simply management. Particularly the lower pictures both on dry small river banks are the same soils, day and rainfall. We even share some of the same animals as the elphant and buffalo move between. Tragically the worst loss of biodiversity due to habitat destruction in this vast wildlife area is occuring in our N. Parks but all this can change with greater public awareness and that is exciting and hopeful.

Picture of Allan Savory

Allan Savory

Allan is a lifelong ecologist and the creator and co-founder of Savory Institute. He originated Holistic management, a systems thinking approach to managing resources. His Holistic Management textbook, and Holistic Management Handbook have influenced thousands of ranchers and land stewards across the globe.
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